- 墨西哥的劳动力成本比美国低10-30%。
- 墨西哥的大学和职业学校每年新增11万多名工程学毕业生。
- 墨西哥有5,000多家外国制造公司和基础设施来满足他们的需求。
Many Mexican universities offer outstanding STEM programs, some of which are ranked higher than major U.S. universities. They produce a deep, highly skilled talent pool—at a lower cost. In many cases, businesses can save up to 50% on labor alone when operating in Mexico. And through our shelter model, we have a network of resources to help you recruit, hire, and train qualified employees based on your project needs.
Top tech companies, venture capitalists, and governments are investing heavily in Mexico’s growing IT sector. Many tech companies are forming partnerships with Mexico-based companies (which already number about 2,000). Moreover, with the advancement of mobile apps and increased cybersecurity needs, strict IP protocols are necessary. As part of the USCMA, Mexico upholds IP protection and enacts strict regulations regarding trade secrets and data information to protect your investment.
Because Mexico is so close to the U.S., with hundreds of daily flights and over 50 border crossings, it’s easy for corporate personnel to conduct site visits as needed. This ease of oversight increases product accuracy and operational flow. Additionally, technology is rapidly changing and time becomes a factor when maintaining a competitive advantage. The proximity between the U.S. and Mexico allows for quicker time to market for rising demands in the IT industry.
IVEMSA provides a suite of shelter services designed to help your company grow. We take care of all the administrative tasks and maintain the necessary permits and certifications necessary to operate in Mexico. Project launch is expedited with a startup time of three to four months, compared to the six or seven months when operating as a standalone entity. We’ll help you set up a shelter, find a site, recruit employees, and contract vendors for build-out. Then, our HR, Trade and Compliance, Accounting, and IT teams keep things running. Meanwhile, your company will maintain complete control over all equipment and processes.