



  • SEMARANT(墨西哥与美国环保署的对应方)
  • STPS(墨西哥与美国OSHA的对应方)
  • 墨西哥房地产和承租人改善要求
  • 联邦劳动法


Be Proactive When It Comes to Compliance

Experts in Our Fields

Since every department in IVEMSA is responsible for monitoring regulations in their respective fields, you’ll have expects advising you every step of the way.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

We keep track of all the requirements and regulations for doing business in Mexico, and whenever there’s a new one, we’ll inform you and advise on any changes needed.

Protecting Intellectual Property

Mexico is known for protecting intellectual property, patent, and trademark rights. Our legal advisors are well-versed in these rights and the international treaties Mexico is part of.

Ongoing Oversight and Audits

Since inspections and audits can occur at any time, we’ll alert you immediately if we notice anything amiss and provide the guidance and assistance to correct it.