


我们为您的墨西哥业务处理进出口事宜:进口原材料、回收成品。 我们经验丰富的海关专家会确保您不会因不必要的费用和关税而蒙受损失,保证您最大限度地提高NAFTA的成本效益。以下是我们提供的部分服务列表:

  • 申请IMMEX计划和所有进出口许可证
  • 支持交通和海关的日常运作
  • 管理墨西哥海关软件的合规性
  • 准备向美国和墨西哥货运代理提交的海关文件
  • 原材料、机械、材料清单等的数据输入
  • 机械及配件清单
  • 对外贸易审计报告
  • 墨西哥PEDIMENTO[海关表格]
  • 许可证、监管和合规文件
  • 原产地证书[指南]
  • 调和支持
  • 职责影响分析

Take the Headache Out of Customs and Trade Compliance

Maximize USMCA Benefits

Because of our attention to detail and knowledge of all the ins and outs regarding trade compliance, we’ll make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.

Avoid Shipping Delays

Thanks to our 40+ years of experience and excellent track record, we know the best ways to avoid delays and interruptions in the shipping and distribution process.

Flow and Compliance Analysis

We'll regularly review all reports and permits to ensure you're complying with all trade agreements and customs regulations.

Permits and Reporting

We’ll help you figure out what permits are needed, how to get them, and how to maintain them. We also offer reconciliation and other reporting to help the process go smoothly.